

All Workers, unite to fight back privatization, irregularization and union busting!
Stop Labor Contract Law, abolition of 8 hour day, bankruptcy and wage cut!
Stop dismantling of social security system, no to a large-scale tax boost!

All Workers, unite against the revision of the Fundamental Law of Education, legislation of National Referendum Act and revision of the Constitution!

All Workers, unite to stop the war drive!

All military bases out from Okinawa and everywhere! Crush "Japan-US Security Alliance in the New Century"!
Follow the exemplary struggle to refuse "Hinomaru and Kimigayo" (National flag and anthem) worship and build up workshop struggle to refuse war cooperation!

All Workers, unite to fight back unjust repression on Kan-Nama Union!
Defend the right to organize and the right of collective bargaining and fight back police repression on labor movement and anti-war movement!
Stop the introduction of Crime of Conspiracy!

All Workers, unite to win the lawsuit against the Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation and to withdraw dismissal of 1047 national railway workers!
No more JR (Japan Railway Company) Amagasaki railway accident, a result of the Division and Privatization of the National Railway and de-regularization policy.
Let's support the struggle of Doro-Chiba for rail safety and fight together!

