
11・9全国総決起集会プログラム 日英語版english)

プログラム (program)
チョレ ノドンジャ(鉄の労働者)  インターナショナル 歌詞(song)
11・9全国労働者総決起集会 スローガン (slogan)
2003年11・9アピール (appeal)

基調提起 (Keynote Speech)

プログラム (program) と  スローガン (slogan) 日米韓三カ国語版(画像表示)


 たたかう労働組合の全国ネットワークをつくろう! 大失業と戦争にたち向かう労働者の国際的団結を!
Let's Make a Nation-wide Network of Fighting Labor Unions!
For International Solidarity of Workers to Confront a large-scale Unemployment and the War!


11・9 All-over Japan Rally of the Workers
◆開会のあいさつ 国鉄千葉動力車労働組合  
Opening Address DORO-CHIBA(The National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba)  
Greatings of Solidarity    
  国労5・27臨大闘争弾圧を許さない会発起人代表 佐藤 昭夫
Greatings of Solidarity Association Against May 27 Suppression at KOKURO Extraordinary Convention Akio Sato
  航空労組連絡会副議長 村中 哲也
  Vice-Chairman of Japan Federation of Aviation Worker’Unions Tetuya Muranaka
  憲法と人権の日弁連をめざす会代表 高山 俊吉
  Japan Federation of Bar Association/Society to defend the Constitution and Human Rights Shunkichi Takayama
  とめよう戦争への道!百万人署名運動事務局次長 小田原 紀雄
  Block The Road to War−One Million Signature Campaign Norio Odawara
From KCTU(Korean Confederationof Trade Unions)South Korea;    
  民主労総ソウル本部本部長 コ ジョンファン
  President of Seoul Area Local Go Jong Hwan
  民主労総ソウル本部副本部長 キム チャンソプ
  Vice President of Seoul Area Local Kim Chang Seob
  民主労総ソウル本部組織次長 ムン ムンジュ
  Director of Organization of Seoul Area Local Mun Mun Ju
From the United States;    
  ILWU(国際港湾倉庫労働組合)ローカル34書記長 ラッセル・K・ミヤシロ
  International Longshore & Warehouse Union/Local-34 Secretary-Treasurer Russell K.Miyashiro
  タフト・ハートレー・抑圧と民営化反対キャンペーン代表 スティーブ・ゼルツァー
  Campaign Against Taft-Hartley, Repression and Privatizati Steve Zeltzer
  UTU(全米運輸労働組合) ポール・C・ジャンセン
  United Transportation Union UTU Paul C.Jensen
Appeal for Donation    
◆基調提起 全国金属機械港合同  
Keynote Speech MINATO-GODO(Metal and Machinery Worker's Union in Osaka)  
Declarations of struggle from workplaces    
◆2003年11・9アピール 国鉄千葉動力車労働組合  
Declarations of struggle from workplaces DORO-CHIBA  
◆閉会のあいさつ 全日建運輸連帯関西生コン支部  
Closing Address KAN-NAMA(The Solidarity Union of Japan Construction and Transport Workers/Kansai area branch)  
”International” and Solidarity Cheer    

チョレ ノドンジャ
鉄の  労働者

ミンジュノジョ キッパラレ ワソモヨ ムンチセ
民主労総     旗の下   集まり  団結しよう

ペアッキン ウリ ピッタムル トゥジェンウロ トゥェチャジュセ
奪われた  我が 血と汗を  闘争で     取り戻そう

カンチョルガットゥン ヘバンウィジ ワソモヨ チッキセ
鋼鉄のような     解放意志   来たりて 守ろう

トゥジェンソゲ サライッスムル オンモムロ ヌッキョボセ
闘争の中で   生きていることを 全身で   感じよう

※繰り返し  タンギョルマニ サルキリヨ ノドンジャガ サルキリヨ
       団結だけが   生きる道  労働者が   生きる道

ネ  ハルル  サラド  インガンダプケ サルゴシプタ
一日を 生きるなら    人間らしく  生きたい

アア ミンジュノジョ ウリエサラン トゥジェンウロ イルンサラン
ああ 民主労総    われらの愛  闘争で     築いた愛

タンギョルトゥジェン ウリエムギ
団結闘争       われらの武器

ノワナ    ノワナ  チョレノドンジャ
あなたと私 あなたと私 鉄の労働者


起て 飢えたるものよ 今ぞ日は近し
さめよ 我がはらから 暁は来ぬ
暴虐の鎖断つ日 旗は血に燃えて
海をへだてつわれら かいな結びゆく
 いざ戦わん いざ ふるい起ていざ
 あぁインターナショナル われらがもの
 いざ戦わん いざ ふるい起ていざ
 あぁインターナショナル われらがもの

11・9全国労働者総決起集会 スローガン


 Let’s repel bankruptcy / discharge / wage cut / unstable employment / dismantling of labor legislation and social security system by solidarity of all workers!

★全労働者の団結で、「有事立法を完成させない、発動させない、従わない」闘いをつくりあげよう! イラクへの自衛隊派兵と北朝鮮への侵略戦争を阻止しよう!

 Let’s make up a struggle− “No completion of, No invocation of, No obedience to Emergency Legislation”!  Let’s stop dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces to Iraq and stop the war of aggression on North Korea!


Let’s smash repression on KOKURO(the National Railway Workers' Union) members and let’s win the struggle of fired 1047 KOKURO workers by solidarity of all workers!


 Let’s smash the police oppression to labor movement intended to destroy the right of organization and stop legislation of the Law against Conspiracy by solidarity of all workers!


 Let’s develop cross-border solidarity and joint struggle of workers of Japan / United States / South Korea!


 Down with “war-waging, the Constitution revising” Koizumi reactionary cabinet by solidarity of all the workers!


 小泉政権と財界は、戦後労働法制の解体や、大規模な民営化攻撃をおし進め、労働者をリストラ・倒産・解雇・賃下げと 不安定雇用化の嵐のなかにたたき込もうとしています。また、社会保障制度の解体攻撃が激しく進められています。1月に発表された日本経団連・奥田の新ビジョンは、国家と資本が生きのびるために、労働者への全面攻撃を宣言し、労働組合の屈服と変質をあけすけに要求しています。攻撃の矛先は団結権の破壊・抹殺に向けられています。団結権が危機に瀕し、憲法28条と労働組合法そのものに手がかけられようとしています。
 全ての労働者の権利、労働運動の未来をかけて闘われてきた、国鉄1047名の解雇撤回闘争が正念場を迎えています。臨時大会で闘いの継続を訴えた国労の仲間たちが長期投獄を強いられ、9月の国労大会では闘争団員22名への統制処分が強行され、そして何とそれを強行した者たちが 国労を集団脱退して自らの手で闘いを潰そうとしています。


 11・9 全国労働者総決起集会

November 9, 2003 Appeal

1) We are facing a great turning point of the times. War is justified in the name of ‘liquidating terrorism’ and naked imperialist policy is prevailing in the whole world. In Iraq massacre and destruction is going on, provoking intense indignation of people there.

2) The Koizumi administration has stepped into a renewed path to war by the legislation of three Emergency Laws. Actually, the Japanese government has promised the Bush administration to offer 5 billion dollars for war expenditure and is planning to send the Self Defense Forces to Iraq where war still continues. Organized Chauvinist propaganda against the North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) is flooding the Japanese society and the next war is in preparation. In this situation a lot of political and social powers are joining into a front of national unity with the Democratic Party as well as the RENGO (Japanese Trade Union Confederation) supporting the Emergency Laws.

3) The Koizumi administration and corporate leaders are now attempting to dismantle the postwar labor legislation and to go through a large scale privatization of public corporations, thrusting working class into a stormy situation of restructuring, bankruptcy, dismissal, wage cut and unstable employment. Besides, social security system is going to be violently broken up. In ‘A New Vision of the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations’ (‘Okuda Vision’) published in January 2003, an all-out war was declared, openly demanding labor unions to surrender and transform themselves for the survival of the state and capital. Their attack is focused upon destruction and liquidation of the right of association. Actually the right of association is in danger and Article 28 of the Constitution as well as the Trade Union Law itself are coming under attack.

4) Militant labor movement is put under escalating attack by means of criminal punishment, civil injunction, claim for damages etc., thereby exercise of the right of association and right of strike being regarded as criminal acts. Besides, repressive legislation is going to be systematically carried on such as legislation of the Law against Conspiracy.

5) The struggle of the fired 1047 National Railway workers for withdrawal of their dismissal is reaching a decisive stage. The right of all the workers and future of labor movement depend upon this struggle.
Members of KOKURO, who appealed on the Extraordinary Convention of the Union in May, 2002 to continue the struggle, have been arrested by police and forced to long-term detention. The Convention of KOKURO last September forcibly decided to take a disciplinary measure against 22 members of the KOKURO Tosodan (Fighting Corps of dismissed workers). Immediately after the Convention, however, those union officers who imposed the decision, ran away from KOKURO to destroy the Union by their own hands through disruptive group activity.

6) Workers all over the world are now fighting to take back a power to create a new age through international unity and solidarity. Strikes and demonstrations of workers and people are spreading like wildfire throughout the world against the rule of imperialism which imposes war, poverty, and mass unemployment upon the world in the name of ‘globalization’. In Japan also we are witnessing a steady step forward of a new struggle, as has been illustrated by the recent struggle against the Emergency Laws, which developed overcoming hindrances and barriers between different national centers of labor and by an epoch-making success of this international solidarity rally of Japanese, US and Korean workers. On the other side, the RENGO, which is deepening its adherence to capital, confesses that it faces a critical situation of collapse from the basis. Anger is flaming up ; time has come to rehabilitate labor movement.

7) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) is now waging an all-out struggle: today a workers’ rally is being held with hundred thousand participants to prepare for a general strike on November 12th, opposing severe repression of Roh Moo-Hyun administration, even surpassing the late military dictatorship in its brutality, such as repeated claim for damages, seizure of the property/wage of unionists for every industrial action, mass dismissal, arrests and detention etc., which caused successive self-immolation (self-burning) of fellow workers. US workers headed by International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) have been developing a powerful struggle against war, repression and privatization in defiance of invoking of Taft-Hartley Act; the Bush administration is trembling at their struggle. Today we have pledged to build up a strong bond of solidarity of Japanese, US and Korean workers. Internationally unified struggle is the very power to prevent aggressive war drive of Bush and Koizumi administrations on North Korea. Another urgent task of internationally unified struggle is to stop Japanese government’s imposition on the South Korean government to revise the labor laws as a condition for the conclusion of Japan-South Korean Free Trade Agreement.

8) Fighting workers are one in their common aspiration. Struggle of united labor is the sole power to defend lives and rights of workers, to stop the war and to change this unbearable society. Let us unite to achieve a society in which the workers become true masters of the society and neither discrimination nor poverty remains. Let us create a fighting united front, not allowing division and isolation, putting aside internal differences, consolidating common stand and overcoming every obstacle.

 Defeat war driving and Constitution revising Koizumi administration by the unity of all the workers! Let us advance cross-border solidarity and unified struggle of Japan, US and Korean workers and create a nation-wide network of fighting labor unions! Let us start for the struggle against dispatch of the Self Defense Forces to Irak and for the 2004 Spring Labor Offensive!

Let us create a nation-wide network of fighting labor unions!
For international labor solidarity against a large-scale unemployment and war!
November 9th All Workers’ Rally for General Offensive




 イラク軍事占領における米軍の死者は 140人を超えました。イラク民衆の激しい反撃が、米軍を泥沼に引きずり込んでいます。米軍内には厭戦気分が蔓延し、自殺や脱走が頻発し、本国では兵士の家族が反戦デモの先頭にたっています。9〜10月、イラク占領やめろ!の闘いが再び地球を駆けめぐりました。労働者民衆の中にこそ、石油と中東−世界支配のための侵略戦争を止める力があります。











All Workers' Rally for General Offensive of November 9

Keynote Speech

Make international solidarity of workers against large-scale unemployment and war!

We are now successfully holding this 6th annual labor rally, inviting militant unions from the U.S.A. and Korea, to strengthen international solidarity and to achieve revival of labor movement. Now in Seoul, Korea, KCTU (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions) holds 100,000 Workers' National Rally with three demands: abolition of irregular employment, suspension of retrogressive revision of national pension, inhibition of counteraction right of employers. And KCTU declared to wage general strike on Nov. 12. In the U.S.A. workers are struggling against repression on labor unions, Taft-Harley Act, and privatization. They are unflinchingly fighting to stop legislation of Patriot Act II. We would like to express our gratitude and respect to our friends from the US and Korea, who are joining in this rally a long way at this important moment.
KAN-NAMA (Solidarity Union of Japan Construction and Transport Workers Kansai Area Branch) has been dispatching 2 executive members to KCTU since April. Today its 30 members are participating in the rally of KCTU. Mr. Nakamura, vice- president of MINATO-GODO (Metal and Machinery Workers Union in Osaka), also takes part in the rally. DORO-CHIBA has established an International Solidarity Committee. We are determined to make a national network of militant labor unions, persistently creating solidarity and struggle of workers from workplaces, communities and industries, together with workers in the US, Korea and the rest of the world.

Stop dispatch of the SDF to Iraq!

In occupied Iraq, the body count on the US side amounts now over 140. Counterattack by Iraqi people is dragging US troops into the mud. War weariness spreads in US troops. Many soldiers there commit suicide and desert. Families of soldiers are in the forefront of anti-war demonstrations at home. In September and October, the struggle against occupation of Iraq went round the globe again. Only the workers and people have a force to stop aggressive war for oil, domination of the Middle East and the world rule.
The Koizumi administration intends to dispatch nearly thousand soldiers of the SDF to this battlefield and pays 5.5 billion dollars for war expenditure. This makes Japan third largest belligerent country next to the US and the UK. We shall not allow it! Muslim people denounce it and call for struggle of Japanese workers. Let us rise up for struggle with 20 Land, Sea, Air and Port labor unions organizations against the dispatch of SDF to Iraq, the completion, invocation of and obeying Emergency Legislation. Agitating discrimination, disdain, fear and hostility to North Korea on the pretext of "nuclear development and kidnapping", Koizumi administration is intensifying military pressure on North Korea. Let's stand against this war policy. Stop the revision of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution!

Large-Scale Capitalist Offensive Combined with War

Wars are carried out for interests of giant capitals that bump up hunger, unemployment and gap between the rich and the poor all over the world, and pursue greedy exploitation and deprivation. At the same time, the government and financial circles attack workers; capitalist offensive and destruction of social security are rampant. For survival of capital, they shift every burden on workers, people and medium and small enterprises.
In 1995, Japan Federation of Economic Organization (JFEO) published a policy to bring ninety percent of workers into unstable employment in order to win out in international competition. This policy has been carried out through the revision of labor legislation and the revision of company legislation and it has brought about enormous amount of unemployment and irregular workers. Precondition of this process was the dissolution of SOHYO (General Council of Trade Unions of Japan) and establishment of RENGO (Japanese Trade Union Confederation) and capitulation and weakening of labor unions through division and privation of the National Railways.
At the beginning of 2003, Nippon Keidanren(Japan Business Federation) published Okuda Vision, and Report of Labor Policy Committee of Nippon Keidanren. This report says, "we demand labor unions' actions to defend vested interests be corrected", and forces labor unions to surrender and degenerate.
Thus extremely retrogressive revision of Labor Standard Law -- insertion of rule of dismissal -- and revisions of Worker Dispatching Business Law, Employment Security Law, Unemployment Insurance Law etc., -- dismantlement of post-war Labor Legislation -- and revision and restructuring of company legislation, and public service system have been forced through. Both in public and private sectors, it throws workers into storm of restructuring, bankruptcy, dismissal and irregular employment. The national pension, the medical services and welfare systems have been violently destroyed, and enormous tax increase is in preparation.

Building on the right of association, fight back repression on labor movement and mass movement!

Current capitalist offensive aims basically to destroy the right of association, criminalize labor movement and reinforce repressive laws, such as legislation of the Law against Conspiracy. The right of association, an inalienable right of the working class is in danger.
The struggle of national railways workers face a crucial moment. Their struggle has a great influence on the right of all the workers and on the future of labor movement. The struggle of fired 1047 workers of National Railways is under severe attack: Four-Party Agreement and Three-Party Statement, suspension of membership right of 22 unionists of the KOKURO Tosodan (fighting corps of the dismissed workers) by the KOKUROU(NRU: National Railway Union) officials who surrendered to the political pressure, and police repression on NRU members who sought to carry through militant policy on the occasion of the Extraordinary Convention of NRU in May 2002,etc.
In normal labor union activities and bankruptcy disputes, exercise of right of association and right of strike has been criminalized. Extreme repression by police is being expanded and destruction of labor dispute by means of civil injunction, suing for damages, etc. has become almost usual practice. Recently we have experienced: one year long detention of NRU workers for their activities on the Extraordinary Union Convention, repressions on KAN-NAMA, SODANREN (Coordinating Committee of Struggling Groups), Kansai General Union (Amalgamated Union), Motoyama Branch of Metal Workers Union, Sanko Branch of MINATO-GODO, Neyagawa Branch of National Federation of Buraku Liberation League, to name some.
To fight back immediately and unconditionally dismissal and repression is the fundamental principle of labor union. It is now the very moment to go back to the basics. In Kansai area a rally was held on October 2 to take back all the accused of political repression from detention, to re-establish the thought of right of association and to revive labor movement through united action of labor unions and mass movement organizations on one common point: fight against repression.
Attack on the right of association has gone so far as to present a bill of retrogressive revision of the Labor Union Law to the Diet. It means, in its essence, attempt of distorting and dismantling the Labor Relations Commission system itself on the pretext that the Labor Relations Commissions are actually unable to come up to its expected function and the roll as a remedy agency to deal with unfair labor practice. The aims of the attack are: to transform the Labor Relations Commissions system into an organ of civil trial in the name of rapid procedure; to institutionalize reconciliation and to undermine the principle of restoration to the status quo, to degrade Labor Relations Commition into an organ of settling labor dispute in individual worker-management relations. Let us prevent disimprovement of the Labor Union Law with all of our power!

Rise up for struggle with the three labor unions in the workplaces, communities and industries

KAN-NAMA has been promoting organizing of workers and dealers in their industry and succeeded in securing the life, right and employment in the paste cement industry where the monopolizing enterprises prevail. In the Spring Labor Offensive, KAN-NAMA's demands have been met through strikes on all business sites in Osaka prefecture and many struggles against union busting and dismissal have been carried out.
DORO-CHIBA waged 80 hours' strike in spring and prevented planned outsourcing. Now it is preparing a fresh strike to stop the abolition of a railway yard, the bastion of the union.
MINATO-GODO has been fighting to win dispute on bankruptcy and against union busting. It has resorted to the labor law as opposed to the bankruptcy law in its unflinching struggle against bankruptcy offensive, and accused the companies of their responsibility for bankruptcy and dismissal through expanded interpretation of the concept of employer and through workplace occupation.
Let us build up a fresh unity in workplaces and communities overcoming difference between public and private sectors and labor national centers. Let us form labor unions in non-unionized workplaces. Let us organize irregular workers. Anger and demands of workers against restructuring, dismissal and bankruptcy offensive are boiling up. We are required to cope with this and to organize this into unity and struggle. Even if the number is small, we can open a perspective for victory when we go on fighting, employing the right of unity.

Let's create a real militant united front and international solidarity!

It is important to make a real militant united front now against enemies' attack that would decouple militant force, obliterate individual, break out right of association by the root. In the past red purge, now "extremist" bushing is used as means of enemies.
The basic premise of labor union is freedom of thought and creed. The fundamental principle is to struggle against capital, authorities and enemies, clarifying the relation to them, strengthening the organized solidarity. Interest of workers is one and the same. Putting aside affiliations to the national centers or umbrella organizations, RENGO, ZENROREN or ZENROKYO, we will unite for common purpose under the principle of labor union. Respecting each other's organization and movement, reserving difference and increasing agreement, let's make a real militant united front!
The wish of struggling workers is one and the same. It is to fight, in anger against war and capitalist offensive, for a society without discrimination and poverty, and for a world where workers become masters. Les us build up a militant united front at home; let us consolidate international solidarity. The struggle against globalism and against war on Iraq suggest that only in the joint transnational struggle of workers is a road to this supreme purpose.

Let's advance the struggle of workers and international solidarity against mass unemployment and war!
Long live the international solidarity of workers in Korea, U.S. and Japan!