

基調報告 国鉄千葉動力車労働組合・書記長 長田敏之


国鉄千葉動力車労働組合・書記長 長田敏之


 小泉政権は「骨太方針2004」によって、新たな大民営化攻撃を強行し、社会の隅々にまで弱肉強食の論理を強制しようとしている。「9割の労働者を非正規雇用化する」という奥田ビジョンを貫徹しようというのだ。またこれは徹底した労働組合破壊攻撃に他ならない。郵政民営化、公務員制度 改革は、国から地方の末端に至るまで、行政機構、権力機構のなかに労働組合の存在など許さない という攻撃だ。非正規雇用労働者、倒産・解雇が激増し、年収150万円以下の世帯が1割をこえている。さらに社会保障制度の解体攻撃が激しく進められている。


November 7, 2004 Apeal

OSADA Toshiyuki
DORO-CHIBA(National Railways Motive Power Union of Chiba)

November 7, 2004 Apeal

History faces a serious turning point witnessing arrival of the era of a mass unemployment and war. Workers across the world are in the midst of terrible storm. However, workers are raising a fist of anger and ready to stand up realizing their strength they have. What is needed now is to reform the current conditions of unions and to revitalize the class-oriented labor movement.
Through the presidential election and the reelection of G. W. Bush the world is split into two camps. Crisis-ridden rulers of the world are battling against each other to survive. It is high time for the workers all over the world to unite and fight.
Within this one year the political circumstances have deteriorated drastically, that is, dispatch of Self-Defense Forces to Iraq and the enacting of the emergency law for war. Japan is now again baring her vicious fangs as a war-waging state. Actually the Koizumi registration intends to put on the agenda the plan to revise the Fundamental Law for Education and Constitution for the worse in the year of 2005. Bush and Koizumi as well are aiming to strengthen overwhelmingly the role of the US bases in Japan and the Mutual Security Alliance for War.
Though, the struggle by education workers against the enforcement of "Hinomaru"(Rising Sun) and "Kimigayo"(His Majesty's Reign) caused a big sympathy throughout the nation. In Okinawa the new struggle has been fought seeking the immediate closure of US bases and the stopping of construction of a new base. We demand: "Stop the revision of the Fundamental Law on Education and of the constitution!" "Withdraw Self Defense Forces from Iraq immediately!" "Remove all the military bases from Okinawa and elsewhere! Koizumi government declared in its "large-boned policy" (Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Structural Reform) that it would push ahead with the large-scale privatization and enforce the law of jungle in every corner of the society. This is the policy to carry out the very vision by Okuda (president of Japan Business Federation). He said, "90% of workers in Japan must be turned into irregular workers". This is nothing but a bare union busting. Privatization of the national postal services and the reactionary reform of public servant system are planed to eliminate the existence of unions inside of administrative organs and power apparatuses from central government to local and district administrations. Irregular workers, bankruptcy and dismissals have sharply increased, bringing the result that household whose income does not reach 1.5 million yen per year has already exceeded 10%. In addition dismantling of the social security system is going on rapidly.
The Koizumi administration intends to destroy and eliminate the right to organize and even the Trade Union Law is scheduled to be revised. A series of criminal repression, civil injunction and claim for damages mean escalation of the attack, attack to deny the practice of the right to bargain and the right to strike. Furthermore new repressive laws such as introduction of Crime of Conspiracy and revision of Law on Obstruction of Compulsory Execution are put on the agenda.
The struggle for retraction of dismissal of 1047 National Railway Workers is now faced with a crucial phase. The national leadership of the Kokuro (National Railway Workers' Union) wants to put an end to the struggle, while the Tosodan and Sogidan, that is, the three fighting groups of dismissed railway workers are strongly opposed to such a submission; they have pursued the unification of fighting groups and forces around the legal action against the Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation.
We will never be defeated. We can hear voices of anger everywhere. We will fight back through organizing the unity of workers in each community and industry.
The workers all over the world are now regaining the fighting power through international unity and solidarity. The workers and mass across the world are fighting against the imperialist rule named "Globalism" which brings war, poverty and mass unemployment everywhere. In United States "Million Worker March" has begun with an ambitious endeavor to create an independent workers' movement and a history at the same time, getting over braking of AFL-CIO. Brothers and Sisters of Korean Federation of Trade Unions (KCTU) are now about to launch a general strike to stop the bill on irregular workers and to prevent the FTA between Japan and South Korea, resisting the vehement repression. Our struggle here in Japan is combined with these powerful and future-building labor movements in these two countries.
We can recognize clearly now that some movements go leftward while others go rightward. We can recognize also that out of such disintegration the fighting labor movement that surely breaks up the existing framework is now gaining ground also in Japan. Today we swear the firm international solidarity between workers of Japan, USA and South Korea. Today is the very beginning of "Million Worker Movement" in Japan. Brothers and sisters of Korean Federation of Trade Unions have achieved today's position of struggle through getting over harsh repressions and lots of difficulties. Learning from their struggles we have to make today, November 7 2004, a new starting point for the labor movement in Japan. A single spark surely burns up a wide prairie.
We, fighting workers, are deeply convinced that only the united struggle of workers can protect our lives and defend our rights and stop the war. Let's unite widely to create a new society free from discrimination and poverty! Let's build up the united front fighting against "divide and rule" policy by the ruling class! Let's overcome all kinds of barriers and obstacles! Let's develop a solidarity and concerted cross-border struggle between Japan, USA and South Korea! Let's develop a nationwide network of fighting labor unions! Starting with today's rally, we will challenge a new struggle for the spring labor offensive in 2005.
November 7, 2004

Let's create a nationwide network of fighting labor unions!
Let's build up the international solidarity confronting masse unemployment and war!
November 7, National Worker' Rally